
The Title IX Compliance Office provides support to anyone affected by sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or violence.

Please use the button below to report incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or violence. This includes sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sex discrimination (discrimination of the basis of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation), sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, retaliation, and stalking.  If you or someone you know has been subjected to any of these types of behaviors, let us help.

If you would prefer to speak to someone or require assistance in completing this form, you may contact the  Title IX Compliance Office.


How Can I Report Prohibited Conduct?

Make a Report to the Title IX Coordinator

You may file a report with the University if you are seeking support and resources, and/or disciplinary remedies. Anyone who feels that they have been subjected to prohibited conduct is encouraged to bring it to the attention of the University’s Title IX Coordinator. They are empowered to provide supportive measures and resources to all individuals involved in these situations and to protect the safety of the campus community.


Who is Required to Make a Report?

At the University, we strive to protect our students, employees, volunteers, and visitors from any form of sexual misconduct, discrimination or violence. These behaviors will not be tolerated and any individual who engages in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

The University encourages every employee to be a safe supportive person to anyone disclosing their experience of discrimination, harassment, or violence. Employees are expected to let individuals who disclose know that the Title IX Compliance Office, is able to provide support and information to all parties, inclusive of students and employees, who may be impacted by these events.

Responsible Authorities – Required to Report

Responsible authorities are employees identified by the Title IX Compliance Office, that are required to report disclosures of sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating, and domestic violence. Responsible authorities are notified of this designation by the Title IX Compliance Office and provided training to be successful in this role.

What Happens After I Report?

After a report is made the University Title IX Coordinator will contact the person who made the report and the person who is reported to have been harmed to follow up with them and provide support. The Title IX Coordinator will listen to everything that those individuals have to say.

Making a report does not require an individual to move forward with an investigation – it does provide our Office with the opportunity to offer support and information so that the individual can make a safe and informed choice on how they might wish to proceed.

After You Report

Additional Reporting Options

There are additional reporting options that you can utilize to notify the university of prohibited conduct. You can report misconduct to the Clery Office or make an anonymous report to the UF Compliance Hotline. Please note that our Office’s ability to intervene and provide support can be limited if no identifying information is disclosed in the anonymous report.

Additional Reporting Options

Reporting to Law Enforcement – Criminal Process

If you are seeking criminal penalties, you should file a report with the relevant law enforcement agency. A criminal investigation undertaken by the police seeks to determine whether an individual violated criminal law. An individual who is found guilty of such a crime following a police investigation and a trial may be imprisoned.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Police Departments