Campus Partner Training

What You Should Know

Campus partners provide a variety of training and education on topics that relate to or intersect with violence prevention and gender equity. Below is a listing of available campus partner offerings for students and employees.


Green Dot Gators

Join the movement and put your dot on the map. Learn about the 3 D’s of Bystander Intervention and cultivate a norm of intolerance to violence.

Green Dot Gators

University Police Department

SAFE Program

The S.A.F.E. (Self-Defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange) program is taught by a nationally certified instructor who is dedicated to help members of our community become more aware of and better familiar with basic self-defense concepts. The course is a 2-hour class geared toward adult and teenage women. The class starts with a short introduction video, then progresses into a 1 1/2 hour physical self-defense familiarization presentation.


Rape Aggression Defense, known as R.A.D., is a self-defense program designed specifically for women. The R.A.D. approach to personal safety begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction, and risk avoidance, and progresses to hands-on physical defense techniques.

Register for UPD Classes